Retrospective 2022



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In 2022 we published more than 80 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, including some of the most impactful journals in the fields of materials, chemistry, energy and computational science.


We held the 3rd edition of the CINE scientific conference with around 200 participants. The program included oral and poster sessions on advances in technologies for a low-carbon economy, with more than 80 contributions from CINE members as well as lectures by external researchers from academia and industry.


We organized a 5-day theoretical-practical course on entrepreneurship for CINE members. The school was held in partnership with UNICAMP’s innovation agency and had 33 participants, most of them graduate students.


We held 9 CINE Webinars, delivered by world-renowned scientists in their fields, and 9 CINE Talks, in which CINE members presented the advances they achieved in their research topics.

on the media

Our research and researchers were featured in more than 30 media reports published throughout 2022 in TV news shows, magazines of science journalism, podcasts and other media.


Our initiatives for the year in the area of DEI included the participation of the director of CINE in a workshop on gender equity at Imperial College (UK) and a webinar with the CISTAR´s director of Diversity and Inclusion.


CINE members won awards for research works carried out within the center: the Prêmio Inventores UNICAMP for a licensed patent and awards for the best contributions at international events (SSI 23, IPS23 and XX B-MRS Meeting).


Our cooperation with CISTAR (USA), supported by FAPESP and the NSF, began this year with student internships and technical visits by CINE professors at universities that are part of CISTAR. In addition, a mission was carried out to ICN2 in Barcelona for collaboration on perovskite solar cells.


In 2022 we received several visits to our administrative headquarters and laboratories. In addition to members of our International Advisory Board, we received representatives from Shell, the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in São Paulo, Braskem, Onnin and Nissan Mercosul.


The annual workshops of the CINE divisions on Computational Science (CMSC), Methane to Products (M2P) and Dense Energy Carriers (DEC) were held in online, hybrid and face-to-face formats, respectively. They included presentations of internal scientific results and invited lectures.


With daily posts about CINE’s research, members and events, our social networks already have more than 4,700 loyal followers, in addition to the 1,000 subscribers on our YouTube channel.

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UNICAMP - Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz"
Barão Geraldo/Campinas - São Paulo | Brasil
Rua Michel Debrun, s/n, Prédio Amarelo
CEP: 13083-084
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