Prof. Reginaldo Muccillo (IPEN)

About the Speaker

Prof. Reginaldo Muccillo, (IPEN), researcher of the Methane to Products Division  at CINE.

About the Talk

The Electroceramics laboratory of the Center of Science and Technology of Materials of IPEN-USP was established in 1991 after a visiting scientist stay of two researchers at LIESG (Laboratoire d’Ionique et d’Électrochimie du Solide) in Grenoble, France. The present facilities allow for the synthesis (solid state, polymeric precursors, combustion, coprecipitation, spray pyrolysis) and physical characterization (distribution of particle size -BET, X-ray diffraction -XRD, thermal analyses-TG/DTA, scanning electron microscopy-FEGSEM coupled to energy dispersive analysis-EDS, scanning probe microscopy-SPM) of ceramic powders, consolidation of ceramic powders (isostatic pressing, tape casting), compact sintering (furnaces, dilatometry, electric field-assisted), the characterization of the sintered ceramics (XRD, FEGSEM-EDS, SPM, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy-EIS). Experimental setups for impregnation of molten salts in porous ceramic matrices and for monitoring carbon dioxide ions permeation through the porous ceramics in three-atmospheres sample chamber coupled to a mass spectrometer were put into operation. The main results of the preparation of porous ceramics infiltrated with molten eutectic composition of sodium and potassium carbonates, the FEGSEM-EDS analyses of the membranes surfaces, and the EIS data evidencing the transport of carbon dioxide through the membranes will be shown.

Title: Ceramic Membranes – CO2 Capture
Language: Inglês
Speaker: Prof. Reginaldo Muccillo
20/08/2021 10:00 am | YouTube do CINE

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