Prof. Lucia Helena Mascaro (UFSCar)
About the speaker
Prof. Lucia Helena Mascaro (UFSCar), researcher of the Dense Energy Carriers Division at CINE.
About the talk
Electroplating is a simple and inexpensive technique to obtain metal, alloy or semiconductor films. Allows obtaining films with atomic thickness up to millimeters, on substrates of different materials and geometries. Some results will be presented about the electrodeposition of alloys (Fe, Ni, Co, Mo) and semiconductors of chalcogenides, with emphasis on application in photo and electrocatalysis. Results of surface modification by metal monolayers deposited at underpotential deposition conditions will also be presented.
Title: Electrodeposition: Nano to Millimiter Films
Language: Inglês
Speaker: Prof. Lucia Helena Mascaro
25/06/2021 10:00 am
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