Prof. Prashant Kamat (University of Notre Dame, EUA)

On February 9th at 11:00 am EDT, Professor Prashant Kamat (University of Notre Dame, USA), editor-in-chief of ACS Energy Letters, will open the 2021 cycle of CINE Webinars with a presentation on how to develop a career scientific success.

An internationally renowned scientist, with an h=157 index, more than 450 scientific articles published and 70,000 citations, Kamat has been dedicated to developing nanomaterials capable of converting solar energy into other forms of energy efficiently and with low environmental impact. He serves as a member of the International Advisory Board of CINE.

Title: PhD and Beyond: Laying the Foundation for a Successful Career
Language: Inglês
Speaker: Prof. Prashant Kamat (University of Notre Dame, EUA)
09/02/2021 11:00 am | Youtube do Cine

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