
CINE study brings new insight in the selection of the best salts for electrolytes in lithium-oxygen batteries.

With an economy less based on fossil fuels and more supported on electricity, the leading role of batteries, supercapacitors and other energy storage devices increases. And grows the need to improve these electrochemical devices in terms of cost and performance, as well as to adapt them to the needs of different applications– namely of electric cars and electronic devices. One of the promising technologies to this effect is that of […]

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Theoretical-experimental collaboration among divisions of CINE allows one to understand low dimensionality leadless perovskites.

One of the main obstacles to the production of solar cells from perovskites with commercial purposes is the presence of lead, a toxic element, in its composition. Another limitation is the instability of these materials, which makes its good performance not be maintained in time. However, there are paths, which can be followed to resolve both problems, with the use of low-dimensionality perovskites. In these structures, it becomes relatively easy […]

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CINE researcher on the list of the most prominent scientists in the world according to index comprised of citations.

Professor Juarez L. F. Da Silva (IQSC-USP), leading researcher of CINE in the Materials and Chemistry Computing Science program, is one of the 100,000 most prominent scientists in the world with respect to the impact of his publications and citations, according to ranking published in October of this year in the periodical Plos Biology ( He is part both of the list which assesses this impact during his career (more […]

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Próximo webinar do CINE será sobre desafios e perspectivas das mulheres cientistas na área de energia.

No ano de 2020, duas mulheres foram agraciadas com o Prêmio Nobel de Química e uma com o Prêmio Nobel de Física. O que mudou na ciência desde a criação desse prêmio? Como podemos alcançar uma maior igualdade de gênero em STEM (Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática)? Quais foram e ainda são os desafios percorridos pelas mulheres para atingir posições de destaque e liderança num mundo particularmente masculino, onde muitas […]

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Acknowledgment note to CINE’s previous director.

CINE’s management public thanks professor Rubens Maciel Filho (UNICAMP) for the work performed between 2018 and 2020 as director of the Center. The professor continues to act at CINE as leading researcher of the Advanced Energy Storage division/program.

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CINE announces its new director.

Professor Ana Flávia Nogueira (UNICAMP) is the new Director of CINE. Principal investigator of the Dense Energy Carriers division since the launch of CINE, in 2018, the scientist acted as Interim Director of the center in October and November this year. From this month, she starts to hold the office of Center Director. Ana Flávia Nogueira substitutes in the office professor Rubens Maciel Filho, from UNICAMP’s Chemical Engineering College, who […]

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Próximo CINE Webinar será sobre perovskitas para dispositivos de alta eficiência

LEDs de perovskita de alta eficiência e suas aplicações são o tema do próximo CINE Webinar, que acontece no dia 24 de novembro, das 10h às 12h (horário de Brasília). O palestrante será o professor Feng Gao, líder de um grupo de pesquisa na Universidade de Linköping (Suécia) dedicado ao estudo de materiais semicondutores, orgânicos e de perovskitas, com foco no desenvolvimento de dispositivos optoeletrônicos para uso na área de […]

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CINE research monitored, in real time, the formation of perovskites for solar cells.

Many of us know that perovskite solar cells have become competitive in efficiency terms in just a decade. Perhaps less know is the fact that these solar cells can be stacked above silicon solar cells, forming a junction of devices called “tandem”, with even greater efficiency than that of each of the parts. However, these good results generally correspond to small devices, used for laboratory research. This, succeeding in producing […]

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