Issue 25 – March 7, 2023


cabeçalho newsletter

Issue 25 – March 7, 2023



CINE researchers and collaborators developed a strategy to optimize hematite, a material widely used as a photoanode in the production of green hydrogen via photoelectrolysis. The advance, based on modifying the photoanode interfaces using abundant elements, led to a 50% increase in photoelectrolyser efficiency. The work was featured on the cover of a special issue on energy materials of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society.



A team of CINE researchers has developed a device that monitors in real time the state of charge of a battery and also the aging of its components. The invention, which is the subject of a patent application, is applicable to batteries of all sizes and types, including those of emergent technologies.



CINE members elucidated, from an atomistic point of view, how charge storage occurs in devices formed by carbon electrodes and water-in-salt electrolytes – environmentally friendly systems, based on abundant and well-distributed elements. The new study, carried out using molecular dynamics simulations, should contribute to making the best choices in future experimental research.



This article, with the participation of CINE members, describes a simple, scalable and environmentally friendly method to produce ammonia by photoelectrocatalysis. The paper reports the preparation of a new photocathode, based on niobium nanotubes (a metal that Brazil produces on a large scale) and carbon nitrides (which can be produced from biomass).


Ethanol in Aqueous Solution Studied by Microjet Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Theory. Go to the article in the journal Accounts of Chemical Research.

Fluoroalkoxyaluminate-based ionic liquids as electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries. Access this paper in the Journal of Molecular Liquids.

A Critical Review of Photo-Based Advanced Oxidation Processes to Pharmaceutical Degradation. Go to this review in Catalysts.


A group of CINE researchers was in Europe participating in events and technical visits to strengthen and initiate scientific collaborations. From January 31st to February 2nd, the 2nd Workshop CINE – Imperial on Renewable Energy was held at Imperial College London (England). Researchers from both institutions presented and discussed their contributions on energy storage, electrocatalysis and photoelectrocatalysis. The event also included visits to laboratories. On February 6th, CINE members visited the Institute of Advanced Materials (INAM) at Universitat Jaume I (Spain) in the context of a new collaborative project on the generation of green hydrogen from biomass through electrochemical reactions, using electricity generated by perovskite solar cells.



Prof. Lucia Mascaro (UFSCar) gave an invited lecture at the opening session of the 43rd Summer School in Chemistry of the Chemistry Department at UFSCar, which brought together students, researchers and other Chemistry professionals in the country. Entitled “Green energy strategies for sustainable development”, the lecture addressed the use of photocatalysis to produce green hydrogen and ammonia and to convert carbon dioxide into methanol.



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