Soon, more information on the CINE website and social networks.
Senior EMBRAPA researcher Caue Ribeiro de Oliveira will talk about the development of photocatalytic materials, which promote reactions from sunlight, for a more sustainable agriculture. Free registration, here. Reminder on CINE’s YouTube.
CINE’s Computational Materials Science and Chemistry (CMSC) division holds the ninth edition of its workshop from August 29th to September 2nd on the Zoom platform (without broadcasting or recording on YouTube). The event will address computational techniques for the study of materials and the results obtained with them in the area of new energies within the CMSC. Registration (free) is open to the public until July 20 in this form.
The coordinator of CINE’s Methane to Products division, Fabio Coral Fonseca (IPEN) gave a lecture on new energies and clean hydrogen in Brazil at the second meeting of the Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2), within the international plenary session. The event was held from May 30th to June 3rd in Aussois (France).
Fabio Fonseca also participated, on April 28th, in a panel at the symposium on the electric – ethanol challenge organized by SAE – Brazil. He talked about solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), which allow, for example, to use ethanol to generate hydrogen and, from it, electricity – all in the same device.
Prof. Claudia Longo (UNICAMP), researcher at CINE’s Dense Energy Carriers division, presented a webinar on photoelectrodes for solar energy conversion at the Graduate Program in Physics and Chemistry of Materials at the Brazilian Federal University of São João Del Rei. Recording is available on YouTube.
Meet the CINE’s great research team: from scientific initiation grantees to the principal investigators of the Center’s four research divisions. See here.
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