Issue 13 – February 16, 2022


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Issue 13 – February 16, 2022

papers elton


CINE researchers and collaborators elucidated fundamental aspects of electrochemical reactions that may be used to generate electricity, hydrogen and raw materials from glycerol and methanol (two molecules that can be obtained from biomass). The work used in situ techniques that have been developed at CINE and was reported in two scientific articles.

book lucia


A chapter of an open access book on thin films, signed by CINE researchers, brings together advances in simple and low-cost methods to produce thin films of chalcogenides. In addition to having good light absorption, these materials can be processed from solution, which makes them promising for use in solar cells.

paper cmsc


Using Density Functional Theory, CINE members studied tungsten disulfide nanoflakes for the conversion of carbon dioxide into new products. The results showed that the addition of atoms of iron and other metals can be a good strategy to improve the catalytic activity of this two-dimensional material.

paper hematita


Paper with participation of a CINE researcher discusses the importance of controlling the location of dopants in hematite photoanodes. The work is part of the search for technologies for the efficient and low-cost generation of clean hydrogen from water and sunlight.


ana flavia

Prof. Ana Flavia Nogueira (UNICAMP), director of CINE and researcher in the Dense Energy Carriers division, is now an associate editor of two journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry: Materials Advances and Journal of Materials Chemistry C. In addition, she was elected a counselor of the Brazilian Materials Research Society, being the most voted person in the election.


Talks en

CINE Talks 2022

In the 2022 cycle of the CINE Talks program, eight members of CINE will talk about their research topics, answer questions and discuss with the public. Talk topics will be announced in due course on all channels of the Center.



The last two episodes of our podcast address the universe of computational research techniques and their application in the context of CINE in the development of materials and processes for the energy transition. Listen here.

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