Shell delegation visits CINE
Wednesday April 13th, 2022
Wednesday April 13th, 2022

A delegation from Shell visited CINE’s administrative headquarters and laboratories at UNICAMP on March 24th. Shell is a founding sponsor of CINE together with FAPESP.

The meeting featured a presentation by the director of CINE, Prof. Ana Flávia Nogueira, on the results achieved over the three and a half years of the Centre’s existence.

In addition, the delegation visited two laboratories linked to CINE’s Advanced Energy Storage program: the Battery Laboratory, coordinated by Prof. Gustavo Doubek, and the Laboratory of Manufactures for the Production of Supercapacitors in Scale, led by Prof. Hudson Zanin.

One of the members of the delegation was Ajay Mehta, current Vice President of Engineering and Technology at Shell, who was one of the creators of CINE. “He was extremely satisfied and positively surprised with the results and with the advances made since his last visit, in addition to being very enthusiastic about the established structure, with the implementation of a functional and active administrative headquarters”, says José Teixeira Junior, Executive Manager at CINE.

The Shell delegation also included Olivier E. Wambersie (General Manager, Technology and Innovation), Camila Brandão (Technology Program Manager for Power and Decarbonization Solutions), Alexandre Breda (Low-Carbon Technology Manager), Ticiana Autran (Portfolio & Finance Manager – R&D), and Jorge Lopez (Manager Brazil Subsurface Technology).

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