CINE 5 years – High-impact science to advance the energy transition.
Tuesday April 2nd, 2024
Tuesday April 2nd, 2024

CINE, as we know it today, began in 2018, still without an official name. At the end of 2018, after a vote by members of the then Engineering Research Center, the name Center for Innovation on New Energies (CINE) was chosen by a large majority. CINE’s founding partners and financiers are Shell Brasil and FAPESP. Since 2018, approximately R$91 million have been invested in research, training of human resources through the granting of postgraduate and research scholarships, dissemination of knowledge, and much more.

CINE’s numbers don’t stop there. With a scientific team that had around 300 members including students and researchers, CINE published, in its first phase, 493 scientific articles, 33 of which were featured on journal covers. The numbers position CINE as one of the Brazilian research centers with the highest levels of scientific production and quality. The scope and importance of our scientific results can be seen in the number of articles that have been published in journals with a very high impact factor (higher than 10) and the number of citations: more than 5,700 to date. And we cannot forget that, of the initial 5 years of CINE, 2 years were in the pandemic, where access to most research laboratories remained closed. However, even with the pandemic, we held 3 conferences (one of which was virtual) where we featured national and international invited lectures, in addition to the presentation of scientific advances by CINE researchers and students.

Since its inception, the quality research developed by CINE has already attracted attention and interest of energy companies and research groups abroad. Today we have more than 20 international collaborations with some of the best research centers in the world. These collaborations are important, as they open doors for the mutual exchange of knowledge and the training of our human resources. National partnerships have also been established. An example of this are the 2 current projects with the company Onnin, a world leader in the development of organic solar panels and, more recently, the partnership with Itaú Unibanco to disseminate knowledge about the energy transition.

Prof. Ana Flavia Nogueira (UNICAMP)
Director of CINE 2021-2023

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