CINE 5 years – Gabriel Pinheiro: first machine learning work.
Tuesday December 12th, 2023
Tuesday December 12th, 2023

The first scientific article that Gabriel Pinheiro signed as author is also a milestone at CINE: it is the center’s first publication on machine learning. This sub-area of ​​artificial intelligence is of great interest to CINE, as it allows it to significantly accelerate the discovery of new compositions and new properties of materials with the aim of using them in the generation and storage of energy.

At the time the article was published, in 2020, Gabriel was finishing his master’s degree at INPE and about to start his doctorate at UNIFESP, always in the area of ​​machine learning and under the guidance of professor Marcos Quiles.

To develop this work, participation in CINE events was essential. “My project began to gain solidity at the first CINE event I participated in, which also expanded my vision of the academic environment”, says Gabriel.

At these events, members of the center present advances in their research and discuss the results with other members and guest researchers, giving rise to new collaborations. “The biannual workshops of the Computational Science research program that I am part of at CINE allowed me to participate in different works”, says the doctoral student.

Currently in the United States, doing a doctoral internship at Oregon State University , Gabriel believes that being a member of CINE helped him not only get this new opportunity, but also prepare himself to experience it.

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