CINE 5 years – Jessica Alvim: doctoral stay at Imperial College London.
Tuesday December 12th, 2023
Tuesday December 12th, 2023

The year 2023 was fruitful in scientific trips for doctoral student Jessica Costa Alvim. As a member of CINE since 2020, she works on the development of materials capable of promoting the conversion of carbon dioxide into ethanol, using sunlight as an energy source.

In April, she went to the United States with her advisor, Claudia Longo (Unicamp), to make a technical visit to a Shell research center in Houston and participate in one of the world’s main scientific events in the field of ​​materials, the MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, held in San Francisco. “We were able to publicize our contributions to other researchers from academia and industry”, says Jéssica, stressing that the scientific discussions that occured there contributed to improving the work and thinking about new projects.

Four months later, the doctoral candidate boarded a plane again, this time heading to London, to do her doctoral stay at Imperial College under the supervision of James Durrant, a renowned scientist with an index of h=152. Durrant’s research group is a world reference in Photochemistry – an area that studies the use of solar energy to produce electricity or fuels.

Jéssica’s first contact with Durrant occurred at the 2022 CINE Conference, where she gave an oral presentation of her work. The scientist, who was participating in the event as a member of the CINE International Advisory Board, discussed the results with the doctoral student and her advisor, beginning a scientific collaboration.

“At Imperial I am experiencing a great experience of developing scientific and cultural knowledge and skills; I feel very grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had so far”, says Jéssica.

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