Issue 18 – July 20, 2022


cabeçalho newsletter

Issue 18 – July 20, 2022



CINE researchers and collaborators passivated the surface of hybrid perovskite films using a new molecule that they developed for this purpose, and could improve the performance and stability of solar cells based on these materials.



A study led by a CINE member proposes an efficient ammonia production process, more sustainable than the one that is currently used. The method consists of the photoelectrochemical reduction of nitrogen gas, using the energy of sunlight and platinum catalysts.

transition metal


This theoretical work elucidates the properties of ultrathin systems formed by two-dimensional layers of different transition metal dichalogenides – promising structures for harvesting and conversion of solar energy, among other applications.



This article led by a CINE member is one of the 10 most downloaded in 2021, among those published in the previous year in the International Journal of Ceramic Engineering & Science. The paper contributes to design economically viable hematite nanoceramics, one of the most promising materials for the photoelectrochemical division of water.




This computational study investigates the influence of chromium in two-dimensional alloys containing this element. The work contributes to tuning the properties of two-dimensional semiconductor materials, aiming at their use in optoelectronic applications.



In June, CINE received the visit from representatives of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in São Paulo and of Braskem (a chemical and petrochemical company born in Brazil, which today has 40 industrial units in Brazil, USA, Germany and Mexico). The visitors got to know the Center’s administrative headquarters and some CINE laboratories at UNICAMP, with the aim of exploring possibilities for collaboration and partnership.


Prof. Lucia Helena Mascaro, researcher at CINE’s Dense Energy Carriers division, participates in a scientific research and networking project involving around 50 institutions from Europe, plus one from Brazil and one from China. Recently approved by the European Cooperation on Science and Technology (COST), the project proposes the creation of a discussion forum on the production of clean and renewable energy using green and non-toxic materials, particularly chalcogenides for photovoltaic energy.



CINE’s next scientific conference will be held in person on October 18th and 19th in the city of Campinas (SP), at Vitória Hotel Concept. Soon, more information on the CINE website and social networks will be available.

webinar varcoe

This scientist from the University of Surrey (UK) will present the latest advances in the use of the radiation grafting technique to produce anion exchange membranes, materials that can be used in fuel cells and other energy generation systems. Free registration, here. Reminder, on CINE YouTube.

nagao talks

Prof. Raphael Nagao, researcher at CINE’s Dense Energy Carriers division, will talk about the application of electrochemistry to produce molecules that can be used as sustainable fuels. Free registration, here. Reminder, on CINE YouTube.

cmsc ws

CINE’s Computational Materials Science and Chemistry (CMSC) division holds the ninth edition of its workshop from August 29 to September 2 on the Zoom platform (no broadcast on YouTube nor recording will be available). The event will address computational techniques for the study of materials and the results obtained with them in the area of new energies within the CMSC. Registration (free) is open to the public until August 24 in this form and spaces are limited.



The ninth edition of the workshop of the CINE’s Dense Energy Carriers division was held in person on June 22 and 23 at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at UNICAMP, in Campinas (SP). The event had 69 participants. In eight oral presentations and 29 posters, program members showed the results of research carried out over four years of activities at CINE. In addition, two invited scientists gave their lectures: Cauê Ribeiro (Embrapa, Brazil) and Joaquín Puigdollers Gonzalez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain).


energia acessível

Profa. Lucia Helena Mascaro (UFSCar), researcher at CINE’s Dense Energy Carriers division, participated in a roundtable on accessible and clean energy held within the “Projeto Ribeirão Preto e os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Agenda 2030 da ONU”. The recording is available on FDRP-USP YouTube.


Prof. Flavio Leandro de Souza (UFABC), a member of CINE’s Dense Energy Carriers division, was one of the speakers at the 65o – 66o Congresso Brasileiro de Cerâmica, held from June 6th to 9th in Águas de Lindóia (SP). The researcher talked about photoactive nanoceramics that can be used to promote the splitting of the water molecule using the energy of the Sun.


Jean Felipe Leal Silva, PhD student at UNICAMP, presented in an oral session at ESCAPE 32 a work carried out within the Advanced Energy Storage division of CINE. Dedicated to the use of computer simulations in Engineering, the event was held from June 12th to 15th in Toulouse (France). The student presented a solution to accelerate the transport of oxygen in Li-O2 batteries and, in this way, increase their power.


Students of all training levels and researchers from CINE’s Energy Dense Carriers division presented their research results in oral and poster sessions at the 45º Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, held in Maceió (AL) from May 31 to June 3 of this year.


Masters & Doctorate

CINE has scholarships for masters and doctoral students within a project in the area of photovoltaic devices to be carried out at the Institute of Chemistry of UNICAMP in cooperation with UFSC. Applications until August 15th. More information, on our website.



Check the scientific production of CINE and each of its research programs on the publications page of our website, which was recently reorganized to facilitate and improve its monthly update. See here.

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