Issue 15 – April 26, 2022


cabeçalho newsletter

Issue 15 – April 26, 2022



A study based on molecular dynamics simulations evaluated the performance of supercapacitors with ionic liquid electrolytes, which are promising due to the chemical stability of those salts. The work, that was conducted within the CINE computer science program, concluded that the energy density of these devices can approach that of lithium-ion batteries.



An article by CINE researchers and collaborators reports a comprehensive study on supercapacitors with water-in-salt electrolytes, which allow these devices to operate at low temperatures. The authors used in situ and operating techniques to investigate the effects of decreasing temperature on the electrolyte properties.

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A delegation from Shell, which included the Vice President of Engineering and Technology, Ajay Mehta, visited CINE’s administrative headquarters and laboratories at UNICAMP and participated in a presentation of the results achieved in the Center’s three and a half years of existence.



Prof Magda Titirici (Imperial College London) joined the International Advisory Board of CINE. This distinguished scientist leads a research group dedicated to the development of sustainable carbon-based materials for renewable energy applications. Know more.



Researchers from CINE’s Dense Energy Carriers division and collaborators succed in preparing films from a material based on ternary chalcopyrites using a simple and fast method. The team used the films as photoelectrodes to reduce carbon dioxide and obtain methanol and other alcohols.



Review article by members of CINE’s Methane to Products division addresses the simultaneous generation of electrical energy and chemical compounds for industrial use through the partial oxidation of methane carried out in fuel cells.



This article presents a machine learning model that works both for the design of new molecules with desired properties and for the prediction of molecular properties. The study had the participation of researchers from the Computational Materials Science and Chemistry division at CINE.



The 5th Workshop of CINE’s Methane to Products (M2P) program will address the results achieved by M2P in the area of Electrochemistry applied to methane conversion, in addition to bringing invited lectures on cutting-edge topics. It will be held on May 9th and 10th in a hybrid format: in person at IPEN (São Paulo) with broadcast on Zoom and YouTube. The workshop is open to the general public. Free registration at the event website.


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Our media clipping has more than 60 articles about CINE’s research and activities published in scientific dissemination vehicles, segmented media and regional newspapers. See here.

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