Issue 12 – January 24, 2022



cabeçalho newsletter

Issue 12 – January 24, 2022




At the end of 2021, we surpassed the mark of 300 articles published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. These papers report the results of the 20 CINE projects that are underway within the Center’s 4 research programs. Check the list of papers.



We held more than 20 events in 2021. In addition to the workshops of each research division, we organized, among other events, 7 CINE Talks with researchers from the Center and 9 CINE Webinars with scientists from other institutions, world-renowned in the area of new energies. Go to the list of events.



We reached 50 articles published on the electronic media. Check our media clipping.
In addition, throughout the year, we produced 25 articles on research highlights from CINE and other news from the Center. See the news.



The year 2021 began with a science popularization action: an edition of the magazine ComCiência totally dedicated to the subject “new energies”, produced in partnership with our team of knowledge dissemination and with the participation of our researchers and leaders in the news articles and stories. Click here.



In May, we published the new CINE website, with bilingual content (Portuguese and English), renewed layout, new functionalities, more information about CINE and, every month, new stories about the Center, its members and its research. Visit our website.



We launched Novos Ares, the podcast that talks about CINE research and its contribution to a more sustainable world. The 6 episodes published in 2021 talk about energy transition, green hydrogen, CO2 conversion, photovoltaics, batteries and supercapacitors. Listen here.



Online and open to all public, the CINE conference provided a comprehensive overview of CINE’s research activities and results, and its role in the development of new technologies for the current energy transition. There were 22 presentations, with the participation of up to 260 people. Visit website.



We relaunched our YouTube channel. More than 130 videos produced at CINE were organized into 12 playlists that include recordings of events and videos in which members of the Center explain their research. Explore YouTube.


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We created the CINE profile on Google Scholar, which aggregates publications generated in the context of the Center by its members and displays some scientific metrics. You can follow the profile to follow our publications and citations. Check here.



We closed 2021 with the inauguration of a space for common use, located at UNICAMP, for the development of collaborations, partnerships and other interactions, in addition to administrative activities. An event marked this important moment. Read the event report.

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