CINE researchers and collaborators advanced the understanding of heterostructures (systems formed by stacked layers of two-dimensional materials). Using theoretical tools, they studied the interaction between layers and its impact on the electronic properties of transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures – promising systems for developing new photovoltaic devices. The results are useful to design heterostructures for optimized devices.
A meeting of CINE leaders and members of the International Advisory Board (IAB) was held on 16 August. The discussion revolved around CINE’s advances so far and directions for the next few years, considering each of the Center’s research divisions.
Title: Machine Learning as a new tool in chemical sciences.
Speaker: Prof Dr Marcos Gonçalves Quiles (UNIFESP).
When: September 17 at 10 am.
Where: on CINE YouTube.
Registration (free): through this form (until September 15).
XXIX MRS International Materials Research Congress. August 15 – 20, 2021. Congress of the Materials Research Society (MRS) and the Sociedad Mexicana de Materiales (SMMater). Website.
Prof Ana Flavia Nogueira (UNICAMP), director of CINE and researcher at the Dense Energy Carriers division, gave an oral presentation on the use of in situ experiments based on synchrotron radiation to study halogenated perovskites.
Inovações em Energias Renováveis. August 26 – 27, 2021. Organized by the Chamber Brazil – Germany, Fraunhofer, Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany, GIZ and VDI. Website.
Fábio Coral Fonseca (IPEN), coordinator of the Methane to Products division at CINE, was one of the speakers at the event and spoke about the Center’s research.
II Encontro Virtual de Materiais e Ciência (e-Mat&Sci2). November 9 – 10, 2021. Organized by the Functional Materials Development Center (CDMF). Website.
Prof Lucia Helena Mascaro (UFSCar), CINE researcher, is an organizer of the event, which accepts contributions for presentation, in Portuguese or English, on various topics of materials research, including energy, catalysis and computational theory.
CINE’s institutional folder is available on the Center’s website, where it is also possible to download the CINE logo in different formats. Look here.
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