Fourth Issue – May 11, 2021




CINE Newsletter in English
Fourth Issue
May 11, 2021


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Using computational methods, CINE members screened dozens of two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers, searching for the most promising ones for application in high-performance solar cells. The results should serve as a guide for the experimental development of solar cells based on low-dimensional materials.

Go to the paper: (ACS Appl. Energy Mater.).

paper lucia_PD PT

CINE paper compares the results of electrodeposition and photoelectrodeposition in the synthesis of photocatalysts made of a semiconductor and platinum nanoparticles. The work shows that the second process, which uses light, produces, in less time, a more stable material against light, with better distribution of nanoparticles on the semiconductor surface and with better performance as a photocatalyst.

Go to the paper: (Electrochimica Acta).


review pablo

Review article on Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging (BCDI), a relatively new technique for in situ 3D visualization of nanomaterials. The article focuses on the applications of BCDI in the study of electrochemical systems which are widely used in the field of new energies. Soon, the technique will be available at Sirius, the new Brazilian synchrotron laboratory. The paper, whose main authors are members of CINE, was published on April 1st and has more than 1,100 views.

Go to review paper: (ACS Nano).

review ana

Review article with wide participation of CINE members addresses the use of graphene-based structures in photoelectrochemical cell electrodes that are used to produce hydrogen through water splitting. The article discusses recent advances, challenges and opportunities in this recent research topic.

Go to review paper: (RSC Advances).

prof rubens

Prof Rubens Maciel Filho (UNICAMP), principal investigator at CINE, took part in a meeting from the International Energy Agency (IEA), which brought together experts in renewable energies and fuels, with the aim of establishing guidelines for the industrial and government sectors. Prof Rubens presented his work on energy matrix and mobility in countries with emerging economies. Go to IEA site.

luis marcelo

PhD student Luis Marcelo Garcia da Silva (IPEN) won the virtual poster competition for the 2nd Mini Interdisciplinary Student Symposium, held on March 26 with participants from 7 countries and organization of the DuongLab from Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Canada). The CINE member presented a work on CO2 to methanol conversion in a fuel cell. Go to event website.


Prof René Alfonso Nome Silva (UNICAMP), a researcher at CINE, was appointed permanent associate editor of the journals Frontiers in Chemistry and Frontiers in Physics, in the section Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics. Go to journal website.


webinar erwin

CINE Webinar: Solar-driven synthesis of fuels and chemicals from biomass and plastic waste.

Speaker: Prof Erwin Reisner (University of Cambridge, UK).

When? TODAY, May 11, 2021 at 11 AM (São Paulo time).

Where? At YouTube.

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AES & DEC Workshop 2021

The workshop of the CINE Divisions “Advanced Energy Storage” and “Dense Energy Carriers” will be held on June 14 and 15, 2021 in virtual format. It will consist of 6 invited lectures on energy topics with the following speakers: Roberto Torresi (USP, Brazil), Deepak Dubal (QUT, Australia), Alex Roberts (Coventry University, United Kingdom), Anna Hankin (Imperial College London, United Kingdom), Dionigi Fabio (TU Berlin, Germany) and Renato Freitas Garcia (UFMT, Brazil). The event is open to all public through free registration through this form.

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CINE Talks 2021

Monthly webinars, open to the general public and given by CINE researchers. More information will be released in CINE channels. Save the dates!


Annual evaluation event of CISTAR (NSF Center for Innovative and Strategic Transformation of Alkane Resources, USA). April 14, 2021. Online. Go to CISTAR website.


CINE researchers Fabio Coral Fonseca (IPEN) and André Santarosa Ferlauto (UFABC) presented at the event a collaboration project with CISTAR that also includes RCGI, thus bringing together three research centers for innovation / engineering in the energy field from Brazil (CINE and RCGI) and the United States (CISTAR).

International Conference on Electrocatalysis for Renewable Energy. March 29 – 31, 2021. Online. Organized by ElCoREL (consortium of European institutions dedicated to young researchers training in the field of storage of renewable electricity in fuels and chemicals). Event website.

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Udergraduate student João Pedro Gaudêncio R. Santos (UFSCar), scientific initiation scholar at CINE, presented a virtual poster (showcase) about his work with catalysts based on cheap and abundant nanostructured materials, for photoanodes used in the oxidation of water. This was João’s first participation in an international scientific event.


midias sociais

CINE updates (research, events, opportunities, news from members, partnerships) are also on social networks. In Portuguese: Instagram and Facebook. In English: Twitter and LinkedIn.

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