I International Conference on New Energies
The Center for Innovation on New Energies (CINE) was launched by FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation), Shell Brazil, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), University of São Paulo (USP) and the Energy & Nuclear Research Institute (IPEN) in May 2018.
A total of BRL 110 million is the investment in CINE over a five-year period under the aegis of FAPESP’s Engineering Research Centers Program, to fund the development of new energy storage devices with zero or close-to-zero greenhouse gas emissions using renewable fuels and novel technological routes to convert methane into chemicals, among other goals. The Center’s mission is to produce knowledge at the research frontier, and in parallel to transfer technology to the business sector.
Therefore, CINE has four research divisions:
- Division 1 – Dense Energy Carriers, hosted by UNICAMP
- Division 2 – Advanced Energy Storage, hosted by UNICAMP
- Division 3 – Methane to Products, hosted by IPEN
- Division 4 – Computacional Material Science & Chemistry, hosted by USP
All together, the research divisions develop a total of 20 research projects. Activities area coordinated by a Hub, hosted by UNICAMP, at the School of Chemical Engineering.
The I International Conference on New Energies will present this activities, the Divisions and CINE’s Communication Strategy. It will gather our whole team together, including the International Advisory Board, composed by accomplished scientists in their fields, who will also address the public during the Conference.