

Words from the Director

The International Energy Agency (IEA) underscores the crucial role of hydrogen and its derivatives in the process of decarbonization, as highlighted in its report titled "Net Zero by 2050." Simply put, the achievement of proposed environmental objectives is unattainable without the integration of hydrogen into our economic landscape. In Brazil, the current administration recognizes hydrogen as imperative for the nation's neo-industrialization. Notably, with over 83% of its electrical grid sourced from renewable means, Brazil stands out as one of the few nations poised to provide green hydrogen at a cost below US$1 per kilogram by 2030.

The Center for Innovation on New Energies (CINE), since its inception in 2018, has been dedicated to exploring the significant role of this crucial fuel. Significant strides have already been made through the former Dense Energy Carriers division. In the upcoming five years, the Green Hydrogen division will address key challenges in green hydrogen research, spanning the development of novel catalysts to the enhancement of electrolyzer efficiency.

To commemorate this milestone, CINE recently hosted a discussion featuring three esteemed experts in the field of hydrogen. This event explored both the current landscape and future prospects of hydrogen from academic, business, government, and foreign trade perspectives. Stay tuned for the full debate, featuring the insights of Daniel G. Lopes (Hytron), Ansgar Pinkowski (Agência Neue Wege), and Rodrigo Vellardo Guimarães (Energy Research Company), which is available on our YouTube channel.

Prof Ana Flávia Nogueira
Director of CINE


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